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Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals – Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.

Members: Michael Fariello-Chairman, Donald Hosier, Neil Pareene, Cregg Brown, Charles Rossi & Secretary-Darlene Thibodeau

Zoning Officer: Thomas J. DiCaprio  Phone 518-842-7961, Ext. 108. Email: tdicaprio@townofamsterdam.org

Duties and Responsibilities: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 267 of the New York State Town Law, the Town of Amsterdam maintains a Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of five (5) members appointed by the Town Board, each for a term of five (5) years on a staggered basis.

The Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to grant relief from any provision of the Town of Amsterdam Zoning Ordinance or any decision of an administrative official charged with the enforcement of that ordinance. In addition, the Board is empowered to grant special use permits in certain instances as spelled out in the Zoning Ordinance. Town Law specifies the grounds and criteria that the Zoning Board of Appeals must use to grant a variance.

Applications for variances can be obtained from the Town of Amsterdam Clerk’s Office, 283 Manny’s Corners Road, Amsterdam, NY 12010.  Hearings by the Board are held once a month, generally the second Wednesday of the month, and all petitions are open to the public where anyone who wishes to speak is given that opportunity. The decisions of the Board are public record and can be reviewed in the Town of Amsterdam Town Clerk’s Office.

Agenda Zoning Board 02.12.2025

November ZBA Meeting is canceled.

Agenda ZBA 09.11.2024

Public Hearing Mathewson

Variance Mathewson Upper Van Dyke

08.14.2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda

07.10.2024 Agenda Zoning Board of Appeals

Jones Road Variance

Agenda Zoning Board 06.12.2024

ZBA Agenda 05.08.2024