518-842-7961 Fax 518-843-6136
283 Manny’s Corners Road, Amsterdam, NY  12010

Phone: 518-842-7961  Fax: 518-843-6136     Email: lhughes@townofamsterdam.org

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Town Clerk’s Office. The Office is open Monday-Friday from 9 am – 4 pm or by appointment. Hours may vary during summer months or holidays. Summer Hours: Friday from 9 am – 1 pm.

I come into contact with many residents annually for a variety of reasons, I have made it a priority to make this office as efficient as possible. As prescribed by Town Law, the Town Clerk is required to wear many different hats and is responsible for a variety of tasks ranging from Registrar of Vital Statistics, Election Coordinator, Recording Secretary, and Records Management. Realizing that Local Government is the branch that most directly affects people, we are here to serve and assist you. If I or my staff can be of service, please do not hesitate to visit us at Town Hall or contact us by phone at 518- 842-7961.

Duties of Amsterdam Town Clerk

As Registrar of Vital Statistics, the Town Clerk is responsible for keeping a permanent record of all births and deaths that occur within the boundaries of the Town, as well as all marriage licenses that are applied for in our office. We issue birth certificates, death transcripts and burial transit permits. Often, individuals contact our office to assist with genealogical research. Death and marriage records become available fifty years (50) after the date of issuance while birth records become available after seventy-five (75) years.

As Records Manager, the Clerk acts as custodian of all permanent Town records and provides for the storage, retrieval, and disposition of all records for the Town. We maintain a record of adopted ordinances, local laws, and oaths of office, resignations, and proofs of publication and posting, annual budgets, assessment rolls and fiscal reports. As Recording Secretary for the Town Board, the Town Clerk keeps a permanent record of all Town Board meetings and public hearings.

I issue many New York State licenses and permits including marriage, dog, conservation (hunting and fishing), peddlers, bingo, going-out-of-business, games of chance, and handicap parking. In addition, we sell zoning maps, and zoning books.

Hunting & Trapping Licenses go on sale Thursday, August 1st.  Deer Management Permits will be available via instant lottery through the close of business on October 1st.

Marriage License Requirements-Appointment Required

A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. The application for a license must be signed both by the bride and groom in the presence of the town or city clerk. A marriage licenses is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued. The fee for a marriage license in the Town of Amsterdam is $40. Applicants are required to establish proof of age and identity by submitting one of the following age-related documents (certified copies) such as: Birth Certificate (long form with parent’s names), Baptismal Record, or Naturalization Record. Also, applicants are required to establish identity-related documents by submitting one of the following identity-related documents such as: Driver’s or Non-Driver’s License, Passport, or Immigration Record.

Information regarding previous marriages must be furnished at time of application for a marriage license. This includes whether the former spouse or spouses are living, and whether the applicants are divorced, and if so, when, where and against whom the divorce or divorces were granted. A certified copy of the Decree of Divorce or a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage is required by the clerk issuing license.

How to obtain a Dog License Dog License Application

All dogs within the Town of Amsterdam that are four (4) months of age or older, unless otherwise exempted, shall be licensed. No license shall be required for any dog which is under the age of four months.

The owner of each dog required to be licensed, shall complete and return to the Town Clerk a dog license application together with the license application fee, and any applicable license surcharge and such additional fees as may be established by the Town.

Application fee is $5.00 for a spayed or neutered dog (must submit proof if spayed or neutered) or $12.00 for an unspayed or unneutered dog. Replacement tag fee is $3.00

Each license application shall be accompanied by proof that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies or a statement from a licensed veterinarian that such vaccination would endanger the dog’s life in which case vaccination shall not be required.

Dog Control Officer: Gina Kline Phone: 518-842-7961 Ext 304 (leave a message)

How to obtain a Birth Certificate   Application for Birth Certificate

For certified copies, the following is eligible to obtain a birth certificate copy: Individual name on birth certificate, a parent of the person named on the birth certificate (parents name must be listed on certificate) or  only by order of a New York State Court, may a spouse, child or other persons obtain a copy of birth certificate.

Identification Requirements – Application to Registrar must be complete and submitted with copy of the following forms: Valid-photo-ID: Driver’s or Non-Driver’s license or Passport. Please contact this office at 518-842-7961 if you don’t have identification requested above.

The Town of Amsterdam has available birth records for persons born at Amsterdam Memorial Hospital or persons born within the Town of Amsterdam or Village of Fort Johnson. Application fee is $10 per copy. Payment by mail orders may be made by money order or certified bank check payable to: Town of Amsterdam.

How to obtain Death Certificate Death Certificate Request

How to obtain Genealogical Record Genealogical Request Form

Zoning Building Application Zoning Application Town of Amsterdam

Sign Permit Application sign application

How to Register to Vote

Both the New York State Voter Registration Form and the Absentee Ballot Application are available at Town Hall. The Voter Registration Form is used when an individual needs to register to vote, change their name, or address (if there is a change since the last time they voted) or to enroll or change their enrollment in a particular political party. This form should be filled out and forwarded to the Montgomery County Board of Elections. Eligibility to vote will be based upon the date that the voter registration form was filed. In the event a person is already registered but will not be able to physically go to their assigned polling place to vote in a primary or a general election, an Absentee Ballot Application can be requested from Board of Elections; the individual will be subsequently sent a paper ballot and be given the opportunity to vote. Please visit their website for details: www.co.montgomery.ny.us/boe

I encourage new residents or property owners to contact the Town Clerk’s Office so that we can provide you with information concerning garbage/recycling collection, tax information and/or assistant with property tax exemptions and other important information that may be helpful.