518-842-7961 Fax 518-843-6136

Planning Board

Planning Board Members – Planning Board Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month

Zoning Officer Thomas J. DiCaprio, Phone 518-842-7961 Ext. 108   Email: tdicaprio@townofamsterdam.org
The Planning Board has the responsibility for reviewing all new project applications submitted by developers and residents, e.g., new subdivisions and site plans. A subdivision customarily involves the creation of new residential building lots and new streets. Site plans usually involve the creation of shopping centers and/or commercial establishment where business is conducted.

The Planning Board consists of seven local residents with the authority to approve, modify or disapprove site plans, subdivisions, and certain wetland and steep slope permits. The Planning Board members are appointed by the Town Board for a seven year term.

Individual applications for modifications around your house usually involve the issuance of a Building Permit, although if work involves disturbing the outside yards, such as for a pool, an addition or installing a shed, the Zoning Officer must review the application for the necessity of an environmental permit to determine whether the disturbance occurs in environmentally sensitive areas. Therefore, a building permit cannot be issued until after the environmental determination process is complete and the appropriate environmental permit issued. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE 518-842-7961 BEFORE YOU START A NEW OUTDOOR PROJECT IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE TOWN LAWS.Agenda Town Planning Board 02.05.2025

Subdivision Public Hearing Matthewson 02.05.25

Agenda PB 01.08.2025 WednesdayMeeting is on Wednesday, January 8th

Agenda Planning Board 12.04.2024

Public Hearing Zielinski 12.04.2024

Agenda Town Planning Board 11.06.2024

ZELINSKI RICHARD SubDivision McDonald Drive

Subdivision Zielinski McDonald Drive

October Planning Board Meeting is canceled.

4696 St Hwy 30 App

Agenda Planning Board 06.07.2023

Golf Course Rd Senior Housing Amendment

Zyzes Zcore Site Plan

05.05.2023 Planning Bd Agenda

Zyzes 40.4-1-7.33

Senior Housing Amendment Site Plan